Thursday 14 February 2013

Can´t you hear she crying!?

Why am i so stupid and stubborn to spend money for air ticket, spend my time and energy not only fly back to vote, but i also keep on calling tirelessly for more to come out/fly back to vote!?

...Because i keep on hearing our country Malaysia crying and calling: Please, come home and fly back to save me....!!! Should i don´t answer the call, i will not be able to live in peace. My fellow Malaysians at home/abroad, can´t you hear Malaysia´s callings!? 

Please dnt salute or like me. I merely do my part as a normal human being who cares and loves

Should you feel touched, please ensure you cast your vote and spread the words to your friends/family: Resume hope to Malaysia.

Please come out/fly back to vote for the critical crossroad of Malaysia´s future! Ini Kalilah!!!...cuma satu kali, INI Kalilah!

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