Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Arul, Parti Sosialis Malaysia: DUN Semenyih (N24)

I have personally known ARUL since at least 15 years ago. I see Arul as one who really cares for the People and he has been working on the ground together with the people, especially the suppressed.

Arul, the Secretary General of Parti Sosialis Malaysia and a Human Rights Activist will be offering himself as a candidate in DUN Semenyih(N24) in the next GE13!

Parti Sosialis Malaysia, Semenyih

While there are some people fighting for media exposure, 
Arul has long chosen to stay with and work together with the roots.

Hari ini , PSM dan JERIT telah mengadakan satu mesyuarat dengan Kementerian Sumber Manusia untuk membincangkan beberapa kekeliruan yang wujud menenai akta gaji minima yang dikuatkuasa sejak 1 Jan 2013.

PSM dan JERIT mengemukakan aduan terhadap 55 Syarikat yang enggan melaksanakan akta gaji minima atau menyeleweng. 
Beberapa penjelasan telah diberikan:
1. Akta gaji Minima adalah gaji pokok untuk 8 jam kerja. Kerja elaun dan lain-lain faedah yang ada sekarang tidak boleh dimasukkan dalam gaji minima
2. Gaji pekerja asing dan tempatan adalah sama. tidak ada diskriminasi
3. Tidak ada pindaan terhdap akta gaji minima
4. Jika pekerja tandatangan untuk struktur semula gaji maka ia akan menyukarkan hak mereka diperjuangkan. 

Di bawah adalah beberapa perkara diperhatikan oleh PSM Kajang:

- 55 complaints against employers for not implementing minimum wage or manipulating such as allowances are added to make up the minimum wage, employee provident fund not contributed, work hours increased, work load increased, migrant workers are not paid minimum wage and transport facilities withdrawn.

-why is there no monitoring on the implementation from the KSM side?

-employers are asking the workers to show circular on the minimum wage act.  Why are they not aware?-why now the migrant workers are burden with Levi? Is it a punishment, why the discrimination?-why not the government help the 4,500 SMEs to enable them pay their workers the minimum wage?-how many times can a company appeal to postpone the implementation?

-can the employers force foreign workers to sign (restructured) agreement that gives them less salary?

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