Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Penang Municipal Council wins Best Municipality Award by Europe Business Assembly

I look forward to seeing Malaysia, and not only Penang, to be competitive in the international arena. Malaysia is (or at the moment "can be") one of the best countries in the world. Malaysians at home/abroad, let us come out/fly back to vote: Restore what Malaysia has long deserved!


Double boost for council
The Star, March 26, 2013

PENANG Municipal Council (MPPP) president Datuk Patahiyah Ismail, who was the first woman in the country to head a local authority in 2010, has added another feather to her cap.

She has just being awarded the Best Municipal Manager by the Europe Business Assembly (EBA).

EBA is a UK-based independent corporation for development and management of economic, social and humanitarian collaboration.

Besides Patahiyah, EBA also bestowed the MPPP with the Best Municipality Award.

Patahiyah said she received an email from the EBA on Friday to inform her about the two awards in the Sphere of City and Administrative Management categories.

“I’m truly honoured. It is the first time in MPPP’s history that we are bestowed with such prestigious awards,” she added.

She said this after officiating the newly upgraded Datuk Keramat field (Padang Brown) on Sunday.

She said the awards were in recognition of the city’s reputation, the effective management of the city, its constant growth and its attractiveness to tourists.

The presentation of the awards will take place on July 1 and July 2 in Montreux, Switzerland.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng commended Patahiyah on showing great performance in her job over the past years.

However, he also noted that some MPPP staffers still carried with them the “old mindset” and were reluctant to work harder.

Patahiyah said some of the personnel were reluctant to put in extra hours in their work.

“Nowadays, our phones are switched on all the time and if we receive complaints during weekends or even at night, we have to be at the site to inspect the situation.

“This year, we will upgrade two more fields in Lebuh Nipah 2 and Balik Pulau Sports Complex,” she said.

She added that MPPP would create several pocket parks, namely in Jesselton Crescent, Macallum Street and Taman Bukit Kukus/Jalan Beriksa in Bandar Baru Air Itam.


(檳城)檳島市政局憑著高執行力,促進島上的蓬勃發展,進而帶動投資及旅遊業,獲得歐洲商業議會(Europe Business Assembly,簡稱EBA)提名“最佳市政局";檳島市政局主席拿督芭蒂希雅則被提名成為“最佳市長"!



她昨日(24日)在出席柑仔園大操場修復工程竣工後,向媒體出示歐洲商業議會寄來的邀請函,該函件上闡明,檳島市政局經該會位於英國牛津的分析中心針對全 球多個旅遊景點在投資、旅遊及休閒機會的調查與評鑑之後,決定提名檳島市政局及市長芭蒂希雅成為“最佳市政局"以及“最佳市長"。











另外,針對日前市政局被指責對發展商發出停工令後,卻沒有嚴格執行,導致工地繼續有人開工一事,芭蒂希雅回應時否認這項指控,並解釋:“發展商接到停工令 之後,市政局必定會嚴格監控。他們會在工地開工,是因為必須依照規定作出修正,過後,我們才會收回有關停工令。"(星洲日報/大北馬)

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